Thursday, June 19, 2008

Further thoughts on daily dying

While continuing to mull over in my mind all that was said and asked last night, I wanted to take a quick minute this morning to add further clarity (I hope) to the application point of "daily dying." Several of you asked what that looked like and expressed concerns about people who would take advantage of that self-sacrificing spirit for their own selfish desires and motives. While I think I said this in a round about sort of way in answer to that question, I want to state it again more directly.

Choosing to die to yourself daily is not first and foremost dying to the will of another person. First and foremost, it is choosing to die to the will of God. This morning I was reading John 5 and beginning in vs. 19, Jesus says this, "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does." This is the call of daily dying. It is dying to the will of our Father, just as Jesus modeled for us, and in so doing, He will guide us in how we are to die to the needs, wants, and desires of others around us. We cannot and must not die to the will of others if the driving force of that decision is not based on a commitment to the will of our Father first.

So, as in all things, take your cue from Jesus, die to the will of the Father, and He will lead you in living a life of sacrifice to glorify Him.

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